Nonetheless, you must also know that getting a home insurance policy can be a little tricky. In fact, with the proliferation of companies offering policies for home insurance, the competition is getting more and more intense. And each company offers different packages and perks as bait to potential customers.

In the same manner, as you scout for a home insurance policy that will suitable for you, you will also find out that there are actually a lot of options as to the different types of policies.

This is essentially why before you sign an agreement with a company for a certain home insurance policy, it is very important that you do your research about home insurance policies and your available options first. Gather enough information as the rudiments of every policy as well the company offering it. Getting quotes from various companies is as equally important as well.

In this regard, here are some information about your options when it comes to the different types of policies that are available for home insurance purposes.

The most basic of all the home owners policies is the HO-1 or Homeowners Basic Policy-1. Essentially, this type of home insurance policy will cover your house as well as the fixtures included in it. So if in case or by any accident, your house is damage by fire, theft or natural weather occurrences, this policy will be able to cover for the expenses.